jueves, 9 de julio de 2009

¿Qué es de la vida de Agyness Deyn?

i-D Magazine - Mayo 2008

La chica del “uncompromising hair”, según Anna Wintour, pasó de ser camarera en Manchester, a protagonizar las campañas de marcas como Armani, Burberry, Reebok, Mulberry, y las tapas de las revistas más prestigiosas de la industria. Alejada hace un tiempo de las pasarelas, le decimos: "Volvé Aggy, te perdonamos".
Extractos de la nota "Of the Moment, and Thinking Ahead", que Cintra Wilson realizó para el New York Times, con la ¿ex modelo? y cantante convertida en actriz, Agyness Deyn.

Sobre las/los modelos que inspiraron a Agyness: “I liked guys quite a lot — like the Clash, you know, punky guys. Siouxsie and the Banshees, X-Ray Spex.”
Aggy y la Moda: “You know, even though I’m in fashion, I don’t, like, do fashion. Fashion isn’t me, even though I work in it. It’s just materialistic stuff. I just want to do whatever makes me happy.”
¿Qué hace feliz a Aggy? “Like being totally conscious. Laughing is, like, my favorite thing to do. Being with friends, having fun ... being a bit daft.”
Su mejor amigo, Mr. Chaban, sobre los rumores del retiro de las pasarelas de Agyness: “She’s focusing more on an acting career” “But she loves what she does. She has no plans to stop.”

Vogue Italia - Noviembre 2006 by Steven Meisel

Agyness sobre Steven Meisel, quien realizó las fotos de su primera tapa de Vogue Italia en 2006: “Steven basically started my career.” “I always say it was like going to the Steven Meisel school of modeling, ’cause I was, like, dead tomboy. Working with him made me be so much more body-aware and mind-aware and creatively aware.”
Steven Meisel sobre Agyness: “She’s professional, inspiring and a creative person with tons of style.” “She’s a fun person to spend your day with.”

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