domingo, 9 de diciembre de 2007

Johnny Depp - Esquire Magazine - Enero 2008

Johnny Depp toma por asalto la tapa de enero de Esquire Magazine y en las páginas centrales se encuentra con su amigo Tim Burton para promocionar su última película Sweeney Todd (el 17 de enero se estrena en Argentina). Johnny cuenta cómo fue cantar en un film por primera vez a los 43 años y bromea acerca de las tantas veces que se casó con Helena Bonham Carter (esposa de Burton) en la gran pantalla. Los highlights de la nota:

JD: We speak in a sort of shorthand.
TB: It's not literal. We'll cross-reference things that wouldn't really make sense to the normal person.
JD: One time, Tim and I were talking before we were getting ready to shoot. Afterward, one of the grips comes over to me with this really perplexed look on his face. He says, "I was just watching you and Tim talk about the scene for the last fifteen minutes." "Yeah." And he says, "I didn't understand a f****** word either of you said."
TB: That about sums it up.

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