viernes, 30 de noviembre de 2007

Natalie Portman x 3

Natalie Portman en The New York Times Style Magazine- Holiday Issue
Foto: Raymond Meier

In Style Magazine - Diciembre ´07, Holiday Issue
Teen Vogue - Diciembre/Enero 2008
Fotos: Danielle Nussbaum

Extracto de NYT Style Magazine:
On growing up:
"I was once told that the age you are is the age you were when you became who you are. Does that mean I am perpetually 11? I'm not sure I want to have that strict an image. In the movie business, there is such a temptation to stick with a particular persona. There is a kind of artistic branding."
On shaving her head:
"Being bald was great, but the regrowth was the problem. My hair is very curly, and I'd have to have someone iron it if I wanted it to be straight. There was a lot of head-burning. And I started craving hair. I wanted to feel like a girl again."
On death scenes:
"I've died many times. I died in Closer, but they changed the ending and, miraculously, I lived. I also died in Star Wars and in Cold Mountain. Death scenes are not more difficult than other scenes. It's much harder to laugh than cry. I find it so hard to fake laughing. I have no laugh except my own, and that laugh is very particular, very modern. It's hard to make any other laugh sound real. It's like sneezing: you really only have one sneeze."

*Dedicado a JuanO

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