domingo, 14 de octubre de 2007

Scarlett Johansson - Elle Magazine Noviembre 2007

SCARLETT FEVER, by Joseph Hooper
Photographed by Gilles Bensimon; Styled by Joe Zee

On being Woody Allen’s muse: “We’ve joked about that word. Woody says, ‘You appear and my writer’s block is cured.’”

On Woody Allen: “Woody’s mannerisms and his wit are classically him. But when you know someone, your conversation has an intimacy that you couldn’t have predicted from seeing him on the screen. Woody surprises me all the time. On film, you see his neurotic side but not his sensitivity.”

On being fondled by Isaac Mizrahi at last year’s Golden Globes: “I was so mortified. Holy moly, that was bizarre!”

*Dedicado a Delgado y Bigotudo

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