viernes, 8 de diciembre de 2006

El imperio Stefani continúa expandiéndose

Gwen Stefani - Coty/L.A.M.B. anuncian el lanzamiento de su Fragancia, New York 12/06/06

Coty Inc., la compañía de fragancias más grande del mundo anunció la firma del acuerdo de licencia global con Gwen Stefani, la ganadora del Grammy, para desarrollar y comercializar una línea de fragancias en conjunto con su marca de accesorios L.A.M.B. ("Love Angel Music Baby")
La fragancia -que aún no tiene nombre- aparecerá el próximo otoño 2007, y reflejará "The unique blend of verve, style, and vivacity of L.A.M.B. fashions and accessories".
"Creating a fragrance is one of the most prestigious things a designer can do," dijo Gwen Stefani. "For me it's like another thing you can wear and another thing I can creatively be a part of."
"Gwen Stefani is the perfect partner to create a new signature fragrance," señaló Bernd Beetz, CEO, Coty Inc. "Gwen's distinctive look, music and embrace of ethnic influences, coupled with her effervescent personality will make her fragrances highly appealing to a generation of women around the world who love her one-of-a-kind, international style."
"Women around the world will love L.A.M.B. fragrances," afirmó Catherine Walsh, senior vice president, American Fragrances, Coty Prestige. "Like Gwen's highly acclaimed L.A.M.B. fashions and accessories, this will be no ordinary perfume; from the packaging to the bottle design to the distinctive scent itself we will be working very closely with Gwen to ensure that her signature fragrance captures her rare spirit, style and warmth".

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